Sunday, June 23, 2019
Dingdong Dantes, The First Family Man of Mesa
"Mesa embodies wholesome modern family man so that's why. One of the reasons because we needed a modern Filipino family man that is wholesome so that's why we chose Dingdong [Dantes]. I think he fits the bill very much well. He represents the Mesa brand to the fullest," explained Eric Dee, Chief Operating Officer of Foodee Global Concepts, the umbrella company of the restaurant.
Dingdong pointed out he and the brand have the same core values which is one of the reasons why he's excited to represent them. "10 years ago, we envisioned Mesa to cater to Filipino families who came from abroad who want to meet people from other countries to showcase our good food. So, our focus was to enhance the styling of the particular dish that we specialize in is called crischon [crispy lechon]," said Rikki Dee, Chief Executive Officer.
Right now, they are targeting 100 branches by 2021. They first opened their door to diners in 2009 at Greenbelt 5. Now, they have 63 franchises. When asked if his wife Marian Rivera might join Dingdong in the future, they were open to the idea an Dingdong even stated he might also become a franchisee of Mesa in the near future.
Baby squid in olive oil, tinapa roll, and crispychon are the favorite menu items of Dingdong.
Other brands owned by Foodee Global Concepts are as follows: Food Link, Sunnies Cafe, Flatterie, FOOD, Hawker Chan, Kam's Roast, The Food Hall, Tim Ho Wan, Tsuta, and co-creations like Bench Cafe, Cerveseria, Food District Signatures on 5th, Kai, Maisen and Mangan Restaurant.
The contract singing and media conference between both parties was held last June 20 in the early afternoon.
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